目前分類:肝炎药 (11)

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Myhep All Tablet

Until the 1990s, there was no treatment for people with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV). Then came the combination of interferon (injection) and ribavirin (tablet). These drugs had many unpleasant side effects and patients had to take them for a year or longer. These older HCV drugs had low cure rates; Only about 40 percent of people taking interferon and ribavirin were cured of hepatitis C. Still, this was the only hep C treatment option available for nearly 15 years.

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Tafnat 25 mg Price

Tafnat is a prescription medicine, used for the treatment of chronic (long-lasting) hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in adults with compensated liver disease. It is a generic version of Vemlidy and also known as an Indian brand of Tenofovir Alafenamide tablets. This generic medicine has exactly the same dosage, intended use, effects, side effects, route of administration, risks, safety, and strength as Vemlidy. If there is a major difference between generic and brand-name drugs, that's the price. Tafnat 25 mg price is about 80% to 85% less than Vemlidy tablets. Generic drugs are less expensive because the companies that make them don't need to spend money on drug research and development, clinical trials, marketing, and advertising — as do brand-name drug manufacturers.

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Myhep Lvir Tablet Price

  • Brand Name: MyHep LVIR
  • Active Ingredient: Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir
  • Manufacturer: Mylan Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd.
  • Strength: Ledipasvir 90 mg and Sofosbuvir 400 mg
  • Dosage Form: Tablet
  • Packing: Pack of 28 Tablets

Myhep LVIR is an oral tablet containing 2 drugs (ledipasvir and sofosbuvir) used for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Sofosbuvir is converted to an active form in the body before it is effective. The active form of sofosbuvir directly blocks replication of the HCV by interfering with a hepatitis C virus enzyme called NS5B. Ledipasvir is an inhibitor of another hepatitis C virus enzyme called NS5A, which also is needed for viral replication. Both drugs in Myhep Lvir tablet interfere with enzymes needed by the hepatitis C virus to multiply and make new viruses, thus reducing the overall viral load.  

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Sofosbuvir is an HCV-fighting drug that is approved for the treatment of people with chronic hepatitis C virus infection. For 75-85 percent of people who contract the hepatitis C virus, it becomes a chronic infection that can lead to serious and life-threatening complications including liver failure, liver cancer, or liver transplantation. Sofosbuvir, in combination with other antiviral drugs, is a short-term therapy that has resulted in high cure rates. The clinical report noted that Sofosbuvir tablets improved sustained virologic response (SVR) rates up to 80%-90% while reducing the adverse events associated with treatment compared with the previous standard of care, which was a combination of pegylated interferon alpha and ribavirin.

Buy sofosbuvir online and get rid of HCV infection. When it comes to sofosbuvir in India, there are a variety of brand names. Hepcinat, MyHep, SoviHep, Sofovir, Hepcvir and Sofocure are some of the top selling Indian brands. If you would like to get more information about sofosbuvir generics availability, visit Drugssquare Pharmacy or email us at info@drugssquare.com

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Hepatitis C Medicines in China

丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染是中国面临的主要公共卫生挑战。中国约有1000万人长期感染HCV,占全球负担的7%。丙型肝炎被称为“无声杀手”,因为它通常无症状地进展,通常让患者不知道自己被感染直到病情非常严重。 HCV多年来缓慢地损害肝脏,经常从炎症转变为瘢痕(纤维化)到永久性,不可逆的瘢痕形成(肝硬化)。


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Generic Harvoni in China



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Hepcinat Plus是Sofosbuvir 400 毫克和Daclatasvir 60 毫克片剂的通用固定剂量组合,用于治疗慢性丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染患者。在每片中使用400毫克 Sofosbuvir和60毫克Daclatasvir,“Hepcinat Plus”可以缓解大范围的肝炎患者。 Natco Pharma是首批将这种独特的Sofosbuvir和Daclatasvir组合推向市场的公司之一,旨在立即治愈丙型肝炎病毒感染。在某些情况下,Hepcinat Plus与利巴韦林一起使用。 Hepcinat-plus与利巴韦林的联合治疗对肝硬化和治疗有经验的患者均有效。



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索福韦400毫克价格 在印度 一 种治疗丙型肝炎的高效药物

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Eliminate Hepatitis C

仅在美国, 丙型肝炎 "病毒定时炸弹" 就影响到350万人, 全世界约有1.8亿人。它可以导致各种并发症, 包括肝脏移植.在某些情况下, 甚至会导致死亡。这种疾病与疟疾、结核病、艾滋病毒和乙型肝炎一样, 是世界上传染病死亡的五大原因之一。然而, 丙型肝炎治疗的重大进展导致了更高的治愈率、更少的副作用和更短的治疗时间。

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当我们听到其他人的疾病时,我们会同情,但我们相信这不会发生在我们身上......但在镜子里看着我们疲惫的,略带黄色的脸部皮肤,感到关节疼痛,恶心,头痛...我们发现了肝炎的迹象。 仍然希望这是一种微不足道的流感,我们会转介给您的医生。



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